Conscious Home Decor DIY’s

Just like all things in life, sometimes, your space needs an update. DIY makes it possible for you to change the look and feel of your living or working space without leaving it or spending a cent! If you would like to know more about the behind the philosophy of living consciously from a HOME perspective

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Conscious Fashion DIY’s

The fashion industry is one of the greatest pollutants of our planet, as it also plays a big role in the perpetuation of economic and environmental poverty. Therefore, it is important for us to ask ourselves who, how and where our clothes are made.

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A Conscious Lifestyle for a South African

What does it mean to be an eco-friendly South African? What does a zero-waste lifestyle entail in South Africa? Is there only one way to be green in such a diverse country like ours? What steps do we need to think about taking to realise a greener South Africa, for everyone’s benefit?

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